Partners Area

Bringing solar performance and design to Australian homes.

Technical Briefings and Updates

The Energy Performance of In-roof PV

Solar panels installed in the roofline have lower levels of free ventilation and operate at higher temperatures than systems installed on rails above the roof covering. But how much does this actually affect the energy yield from PV panels?

MCS012 – Pitch Perfect

What the introduction of MCS012 means for solar installers. How the new requirements for wind uplift resistance, fire ratings and weathertightness impact roof integrated solar systems.

Complying with Regulations on Fire

Building Regulations control the installation of roof integrated solar systems, which must have a fire rating for the external spread of flame. What this means for solar installers.

MCS012 – Pitch Perfect

What the introduction of MCS012 means for solar installers. How the new requirements for wind uplift resistance, fire ratings and weathertightness impact roof integrated solar systems.

Wind Uplift for Solar

How to ensure that the solar system you are fitting has a high enough wind load rating for the location you intend to install it. The difference between the wind loads on solar systems installed above the roof and integrated in the roof.

EU Solar Antidumping Investigation

The European Union has started an investigation into alleged anti-competitive practices by Chinese solar PV manufacturers. This briefing outlines the process that they will go through and what it might mean for the european solar industry.

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