An affordable solution, playing a part toward global climate action
Everyday savings on your electricity bills while becoming more aware of your energy consumption
Every day you can look at your home and enjoy the sleek panels that enhance your home’s street appeal, rather than the other options that may detract from it
Every day, take pleasure knowing you made a decision on integrated solar that helps your home’s value grow
The Clearline Fusion range is beautiful on the surface, and beautifully functional to its core
It is underwritten by science, innovation, design, safety certifications and superior installation
The range was initially researched and developed by scientists with input from world-leading Cambridge University
Patents testify to the innovation that created a beautiful and affordable solution
With over 40,000 systems and more than 200,000 panels installed globally, the BIPV system, the system is proven in a wide range of weather environments, and boasts a 100% leak-free record when installed by trained, certified installers
It is built tough, being almost twice the depth of legacy roof-top panels
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