Have questions? The most common ones are answered below.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, the panels are specially designed for the flashing kits to seamlessly attach providing slimline look, high strength, watertight solution–See Datasheet for test results on wind.
Being integrated means it is part of the building, rather than a bolt on above. Each panel is deeper (69mm) than on roof panels (which are usually 30-40mm) with specially designed reinforcing for extra strength. They are built tough.
The system has been installed and tested between 20-60 degrees and has not been designed for a flat roof installation. The system has inbuilt gutters for channelling water away and maintaining waterproof integrity. A flat roof would not allow the water to run away as per the design.
The system has been installed on metal roofs. Instructions for fixing are in development and are expected in the second half of 2021.
Yes. Look at our gallery to see the many beautiful installations on slate roofs from around the world.
Clearline fusion tested and passed a hail test as required by the Australian Standards where ice balls of 25mm were fired at the glass surface at 23m/s. They will survive the most common hailstorms in the country.
Clearline fusion is the only roof integrated solar system to achieve top rating in all four European fire tests, that is EN 13501-5 B (T1, T2, T3 T4). It also has a module fire classification of Class C in accordance with IEC 61730.
Clearline fusion tested and passed a thermal cycling test from -40oC to +85oC as part of the IEC 61215.
Naturally, any roof-integrated system will have reduced ventilation behind panels. However, our panels are deeper than all standard modules on the market, this will enhance the air flow by comparison. According to a research based in Cambridge (in collaboration with University of Cambridge), the reduced ventilation for our system only resulted in a drop of annual yield by up to 3%.
Solar modules are being installed in hotter climates regularly without causing any issue. In general, the glass surface of the solar module reflects about 3 to 4 % of the solar energy; then the PV cells convert roughly 20% of the energy to electricity. The rest will be dissipated as heat energy. Hence, a solar module does not generate more heat than an equivalent black roof.
No for three reasons.
Although the aluminium frame may expand linearly by 1-2mm over the longest length between 20 and 60 degrees Celsius, the expansion is easily absorbed by the flashing and wooden battens. Expansion joints are not needed or recommended. Unlike rack mounted panels, integrated panels and associated flashing has been designed to absorb far greater stresses from the natural elements and remains performant. Furthermore, the wooden rafters and battens flex to absorb expansionary and compression stresses. For the engineers amongst you, the thermal coefficient of expansion for aluminium is 24 x 10(-6) per degree Celsius, which translates into an expansion of 0.2mm per metre length of aluminium over a 10-degree temperature change. You would find it hard to even measure that level of expansion on your roof.
There are a number of factors to consider answering this question. R values measure the insulative properties of building materials and are used to calculate overall insulative properties of homes. More information can be found by visiting this link – https://sollos.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/FAQ-Roof-Cavity-Heat.pdf
This would depend on too many factors like location, angle, and orientation. Plus, if you have shading and other components that could determine the results of a system installed.
Panels Are High Performance Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Photovoltaic panels. Our standard panels start from 335kw. The overall dimensions of each panel 1686 x 1000 x 69mm.
The panels are manufactured with half cut cells which means the module efficiency can be enhanced because when a PV cell is cut in half, it produces half as much current and one fourth as much resistance–this is considered a reliable, cost effective method in increasing the module power. The String arrangement of these half-cut cells makes the panels more tolerant to shade. In addition, with a lower current in the half-cut cells, there is less damage in hot spots. The physically smaller cells can be more averse to cracking too.
They also have a black backing which improves the aesthetics of the panels. The All-black appearance blends in well with most roofing materials and is considered more visually appealing.
Integrated flashing and fixing system that creates a roof that fits directly to battens and rafters.
The flashing kits are made from high quality galvanised steel brackets, aluminium, and lead aprons. The coating on the flashing is made of PVDF layer which provides maximum protection against the elements including UV.Â
The system is designed to fit your roof and appropriate flashing kits are automatically calculated. Examples; left corners, right corners, middle sections, channels, top, bottom. See our kitting document, manual and configuration.
The system can also integrate with selected Velux skylights with a specific flashing kit with more being developed. Please check availability.
The system is watertight when installed correctly by a trained and certified Sollos Installer.
In windy areas there is no noise generated from the wind going under the panels like can occur with above roof systems. Importantly Wind tests indicate that the uplift resistance of Clearline system at 5320 Pa is typically double the negative pressure of most standard modules tested to IEC 61215 at 2400Pa.
The system has been tested and passed the CEN TR15601 (Test D) by an independent test house BBA. The volume of water was to simulate a rainfall rate of 225 mm/hour over a roof length of 5 metres. It was also tested and passed the gutter flooding test which was conducted internally. The volume of water was 5 folds of the above test. In other words, 225 mm/hour over a roof length of 25 metres (or equivalent to 1125mm/hour over a roof length of 5 metres).
Most of the time if you only compare the materials on a above roof system vs an integrated system it can be moderately cheaper. However, if you compare lifetime costs such as, maintenance with roof coverings or roof tiles below having leaks, bird issues and appearance when coming to sell your house are also things to think about.
Our panel and flashings have a product warranty of 10 years. However, our previous solar system using similar materials was tested by the BBA. The system was believed to have a lifetime warranty similar to a roof tile. Approx. 40+ years.
Most solar energy systems are covered in standard insurance policies and are generally considered a permanent fixture or attachment to your property. Sollos suggests that you check with your insurer to determine the specifics of the policy. In some instances, you may need to increase the amount of coverage that you have. Due to the design of the Clearline fusion system and very high-test results, it is likely your roof tiles would be damaged before the system is in an extreme weather event.  A useful website that has been developed by the Insurance Council of Australia is www.understandinsurance.com.au
Each panel weighs around 21 kg. Whilst your roof needs to be structurally sound and meet Australia standards, the system places less pressure on your roof than above roof systems as it replaces your roof material. Think of it as a solar roof rather than solar on your roof.
This depends on several factors such as how much you consume when your house is using solar energy instead of the grid and whether or not you export your surplus solar for a “feed- in- tariff”. Batteries are becoming increasingly popular as they allow you to use stored solar energy at night reducing your power bills even further. The cost of the battery however will extend your payback time. We suggest discussing this with your installer and looking at the whole picture when deciding.
Yes. Each state and territory as well as the Federal Government provide subsidies to support the uptake of solar. The Clearline Fusion solar system has achieved Clean Energy Council (CEC) accreditation and thus is eligible for rebate assistance. Check with your CEC accredited retailer/ installer as they will be able to claim the rebates on your behalf thereby reducing the price of your system.
Environmental – does it really make any sense to waste roofing materials when you don’t have to? Every square meter of roofing material used on roof top systems is a duplication of resources taken from our environment and is unnecessary when you have the Clearline fusion roof integrated system.
Sustainability – Architects and designers pride themselves on making things enduringly beautiful, practical, and efficient. Look at the entire communities in the videos on our website that have Clearline fusion roof integrated solar on every house. ( Insert link to drone footage)  It’s designed to look beautiful now and in the future. That’s sustainable. We need to see more of this in Australia. Cheap and ugly systems are not sustainable.
Maintenance – Quality solar panels should last thirty years or more. In this time, it is highly likely that the roof covering will need either maintenance or replacement. An on-roof system will have tiles, metal, or slate roofing material behind the panels, so the solar system would need to be decommissioned and removed before a single tile can be replaced. A simple job that can be carried out from a roof ladder by a roofing contractor has become a significant task that requires scaffolding and the involvement of an electrician or solar installer. With roof integrated solar, there are no tiles behind the panels, so all roofing repairs can be carried out while leaving the solar system in place and generating electricity for you.
Installation – For new roofs or extensions to existing buildings, the task of fitting an above-roof solar system afterwards can be difficult. Tiles may need to be broken to access the roof structure below and attach fixing brackets. Replacing removed tiles in accordance with the roof fixing specification is likely to require an adhesive bond between the replaced tile and the surrounding ones. By contrast, roof integrated solar panels can be installed easily in a new roof.  Sollos trained installers can fix the panels and flashings before the roofing contractors fix the roof covering around them.
Bird infestation – Solar panels fixed above the roof offer a safe, sheltered area behind for birds to roost or nest. While this may at first sound like a good thing to do, householders with solar installations that have been colonised in this way have reported a number of drawbacks including noise and fouling of the panels, walls and paths below the nests. A small industry has sprung up to bird-proof above roof solar installations with spikes and mesh around the outside, further reducing their aesthetic appeal.
Living on the coast salt mist is a factor that must be considered in the purchase of any product that has a lifespan of 25 years constantly exposed to all the elements.
Salt mist is a corrosive agent that can reduce the output of solar modules that are not proven salt- mist resistant. Salt-laden humidity and rain conditions can adversely affect key module components, including the frames, junction boxes and glass surfaces, thus potentially reducing a module’s performance and lifespan.
Sollos panels have been certified at level 6 (the highest testing level in the industry) in accordance with international standards (IEC61701). Level 6 applies the most severe testing conditions, involving eight weeks of intensive cyclical, sequential days of corrosive salt spray and damp storage, to simulate a harsh marine environment.